Thymus peptides in the course of COVID-19 infection.

Thymus peptides in the course of COVID-19 infection.

TFX Pharma is one of the biotechnological companies belonging to the Biomedycyna Polska S. A. corporate group. The company is the market authorization holder of TFX, a drug that is an original preparation of biologically active thymus peptides, which stimulate the immune system to fight diseases of various pathogenesis and clinical course.

Sharing of knowledge and cooperation are our most effective weapons in the battle against novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. On March 24th 2020, two Chinese foundations: the Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba Foundation, which have previously provided personal protective equipment for European countries, i.a. respirators, protective clothing and masks (including 80 thousand masks for Polish Post), have published a guidebook for clinical management of COVID-19 pandemic.

The Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment contains clinical experience of medical experts from the frontline of the struggle against SARS-CoV-2. It’s based on the documentation prepared by medical personnel of The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine (one of the most prestigious medical schools in that province) and was distributed to healthcare workers around the world.

On page 56 of the handbook, subsection 4.3 – Medication, medical experts recommend administration of 1.6 mg of thymus peptides, twice a week for COVID-19 patients.

The published guidelines proved successful in medical practice; by the end of March over a hundred patients were admitted to that hospital, including 70 in critical condition, none of which were falsely diagnosed, no deaths were observed, and no personnel was infected.

Cooperation is the only true weapon during the difficult time of isolation. TFX Pharma, by joining the fight against the pandemic caused by novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, expresses hope, that communication of those valuable experiences is the best contribution to this unprecedented global war against a mutual enemy.

You can find the handbook here.

More information and publications in other languages can be found at the University of Zheijang webpage here.

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